Carol Cannon
In the deepest level of my personality is a desire to create awe-inspiring experience. To execute this desire within a living environment wherein people will feel even the subtle emanations of this intention is an opportunity for me to translate this desire in a practical manner and an opportunity for the client to receive a lasting, uplifting work of value.

My commitment to doing the highest quality work possible comes from an early acceptance of: “anything worth doing, is worth doing right.” To further that, studying aesthetics and the unity of truth, beauty and goodness continues to deepen my belief for their desperate need in today’s world.

Decorative painting provides me a tangible method to reach people with aesthetic needs. In the process, I am challenged and given the means to further my outreach to those with educational and emotional needs with my Expressive Arts Therapy work and Energy Psychology.

I am grateful to both of my artist parents for passing on their aesthetic appreciation and commitment to their work, which they both continued to do in their eighties. It is my hope that future generations will make the best synthesis of all of our global art history and architecture and surround themselves with breathtaking beauty.

Carol Cannon     New York, N.Y.    602.481.9240

Visit Carol Cannon's other websites: Fine Arts and Becoming Celebration