Carol Cannon
After the initial on-site, free, one hour consultation, it will be determined if a sample or set of samples or sketches is appropriate to proceed. Usually clients and designers have a general sense of what they would like and it is my job to assist in interpreting and fine-tuning this visualizing process. It is helpful if the client has fabric, floor, carpeting, or photo and clipping samples to start developing the concept and color direction. In the example of a wall treatment, very often a color or colors within the fabric are appealing to work with and in this case, samples, if not already available, are made up to illustrate both the color combinations and textures. The fee for the time and materials for a set of three is $300.00, however, should the job be assigned, the cost is waived. Research and sketch time in the case of a mural is billed at an agreed upon hourly rate.

The price of a job is determined by an estimation of both the time involved and space to be covered.

A Letter of Agreement will be submitted detailing aspects of your specific job, including any prep work, paint colors, finishes, areas to be worked on, approximate time for conclusion of the work, a starting date, and fee for the job and approximation for materials. A "sign-off" signature on both the sample (or sketch) and the Letter of Agreement indicates agreement on the clients part to submit a 50% deposit before the start of the job and full payment upon the day of completion, as well as having the area clear of furniture or other obstacles impeding the work.

It is our intent to complete the work in a timely and neat fashion, easily meeting our deadline and budget, unless, as rarely occurs, something entirely unexpected arises (construction, schedule, etc.) and a reasonable adjustment will be made compensating for time and materials. Any changes that the client makes during the execution of the job will be priced and added to the original Letter of Agreement."

Rights to photograph the respective area before and after are assumed unless otherwise notified and ownership of the samples remains to be the artist's unless purchased separately at the rate mentioned above.

Carol Cannon     New York, N.Y.    602.481.9240

Visit Carol Cannon's other websites: Fine Arts and Becoming Celebration